Witchcraft and Black Magic [Peter Haining, Jan Parker]



Bantam Books [Published date: 1973]. Mass market paperback, 159 pp. Bantam edition published April, 1973, with no later printings listed. [from Foreword] Much of witchcraft’s fascination lies in its sinister association with the death-dealing rites and sexual excesses practiced in the name of Black Magic.But it has always included not only the «black»but also the «white.» Witchcraft dates back to man’s earliest attempts to relate himself to the scheme of his environment. Starting as a nature and fertility religion administered by the matriarchal element in prehistoric societies, witchcraft continued as a powerful force throughout history and is presently experiencing a real revival.The reader learns about witchcraft’s many facets: charms and potions, divination and clairvoyance, levitation, possession, the coven and sabbat, the familiars, werewolves, vampires and the rites of the Black Mass. Fully illustrated in color.
Даже если вы совсем не интересуетесь магией, она увлекательна. В книге есть и колдовство, и 72 демона, и изготовление магических инструментов. В истории написания Библии под руководством самого дьявола также не было упоминания об Алистере Кроули.
История колдовства до 1736 года
Грани колдовства
Современное колдовство и черная магия
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Язык: английский


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